LSAT Explanation PT 29, S4, Q19: In the decade from the mid-1980s
In the decade from the mid-1980s
LSAT Explanation PT 29, S4, Q20: Amphibian populations are declining in numbers
Amphibian populations are declining in numbers
LSAT Explanation PT 29, S4, Q21: All too many weaklings are also
All too many weaklings are also
LSAT Explanation PT 29, S4, Q22: Critic: Most chorale preludes were written
Critic: Most chorale preludes were written
LSAT Explanation PT 29, S4, Q23: Quasars—celestial objects so far away that
Quasars—celestial objects so far away that
LSAT Explanation PT 29, S4, Q24: Medical researcher: As expected, records covering
Medical researcher: As expected, records covering
LSAT Explanation PT 29, S4, Q25: Formal performance evaluations in the professional
Formal performance evaluations in the professional
LSAT Explanation PT 29, S4, Q1: Combustion of gasoline in automobile engines
Combustion of gasoline in automobile engines