LSAT Explanation PT 43, S2, Q23: Toxicologist: Recent research has shown that
Toxicologist: Recent research has shown that
LSAT Explanation PT 43, S2, Q19: Marc: The fact that the people
Marc: The fact that the people
LSAT Explanation PT 43, S2, Q16: Environmentalist: Many people prefer to live
Environmentalist: Many people prefer to live
LSAT Explanation PT 43, S2, Q22: All parrots can learn to speak
All parrots can learn to speak
LSAT Explanation PT 43, S2, Q20: Social critic: One of the most
Social critic: One of the most
LSAT Explanation PT 43, S2, Q18: Editorial: It is clear that what
Editorial: It is clear that what
LSAT Explanation PT 43, S2, Q15: Kendrick: Governments that try to prevent
Kendrick: Governments that try to prevent
LSAT Explanation PT 43, S2, Q17: No small countries and no countries
No small countries and no countries