LSAT Explanation PT 45, S4, Q12: Columnist: If you received an unsigned
Columnist: If you received an unsigned
LSAT Explanation PT 45, S4, Q11: Between 1976 and 1985, chemical wastes
Between 1976 and 1985, chemical wastes
LSAT Explanation PT 45, S4, Q14: Insufficient rain can cause crops to
Insufficient rain can cause crops to
LSAT Explanation PT 45, S4, Q13: Art theft from museums is on
Art theft from museums is on
LSAT Explanation PT 45, S4, Q9: Public health expert: Until recently people
Public health expert: Until recently people
LSAT Explanation PT 45, S4, Q16: People are not happy unless they
People are not happy unless they
LSAT Explanation PT 45, S4, Q15: The cost of a semester's tuition
The cost of a semester's tuition
LSAT Explanation PT 45, S4, Q10: The enthusiastic acceptance of ascetic lifestyles
The enthusiastic acceptance of ascetic lifestyles