LSAT Explanation PT 27, S1, Q6: Frankie: If jelly makers were given

LSAT Question Stem

Anna's argument proceeds by 

Logical Reasoning Question Type

This is a Method of Reasoning question. 

Correct Answer

The correct answer to this question is C. 

LSAT Question Complete Explanation

First, let's analyze the argument in the passage. Frankie presents a proposal: if jelly makers were given incentives to use cloudberries, income for cloudberry gatherers would increase. This is a premise. Anna disagrees and provides a counterargument. She presents the case of cacao, which was once harvested from wild plants but is now grown on farms due to increased demand. She suggests that a similar situation would occur with cloudberries if demand increases, and domesticated berries would replace wild berries. This is also a premise. The conclusion of Anna's argument is that Frankie's plan would fail.

The question type is Method of Reasoning (MOR), asking us to identify how Anna's argument proceeds.

Now, let's discuss the answer choices:

a) Anna's argument does not focus on the benefits of the proposal for all parties involved. Instead, it presents a counterexample to show why the proposal would not work. This answer choice is incorrect.

b) Anna does not reinterpret evidence presented by Frankie, as Frankie does not provide any evidence. Instead, Anna offers a new counterexample to counter Frankie's claim. This answer choice is incorrect.

c) This answer choice is correct. Anna projects the result of Frankie's proposal by comparing the situation with cloudberries to a past situation involving cacao. She uses the cacao example to illustrate how increased demand can lead to domestication, which would ultimately undermine Frankie's plan.

d) Anna does not propose a general theory to explain a specific market situation. Rather, she uses a specific historical example (cacao) to argue against Frankie's proposal. This answer choice is incorrect.

e) Anna's argument does not focus on the similarities between the uses of cloudberries and cacao. Instead, she uses the cacao example to show how increased demand can lead to a shift from wild harvesting to farming. This answer choice is incorrect.

In summary, the correct answer is C, as Anna's argument proceeds by projecting the result of Frankie's proposal by comparing the cloudberry situation to a past situation involving cacao.


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